Michele Swingle
I love nature and almost everything I paint has some element of nature in it...occasionally I like to do something whimsical. I love acrylics and mostly paint with them. I do like to mix things up sometimes and use different techniques.
You'll find my studio is on the first level of the house with no steps to worry about. It is in the middle of the woods, where I live surrounded by nature of all types. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Michele Swingle Studio 765 Nasser Road, Montrose. From Montrose it’s 167 North or South from Binghamton to 765 Nasser Road, Montrose, PA; most GPS’s will find the dirt road; it’s the only driveway with a red dumpster; my studio is on the ground floor with no stairs to worry about. 41.91730, -75.94628